Saturday, August 11, 2007

HTC 7501 August 11, 2007 # 2

Well, unfortunately, I just had a question answered about GPS on the 7501. This is a review posted on the CompUSA site:

Had it almost 2 weeks now... July 23, 2007
JustClaire (Madison, WI) (read all my reviews)
Gender: Female
How do you typically use CompUSA products?: Home and Work
Technology awareness: Technology Guru

Pros: Almost a PC, handsome, nice screen, good tech support (& they speak English), good sound quality, nice photos
Cons: Cramped keyboard, was shipped with premarket software (had to update w/help of tech supp), no GPS incl!!
Overall 4
Features 5
Performance 5
Price-Value 4

Everyone thinks it's a miniature computer. It sure acts like one. It's also a pretty clear sounding phone - okay a BIG phone. But paired with my Bluetooth headset I don't really have to worry about the size of it. The operating system is fast. Has MS Word, Excel & a viewer for Powerpoint. Also, I have never seen such a nice leather case INCLUDED with a phone or pda before. GPS requires a monthly fee to a 3rd party service.
I actually LIKED talking to their tech guy. Did not have the usual communication issues with tech support. They answered promptly, were friendly (but not fake or scripted) & they spoke American English which really helps since I was pretty anxious to get this working fast. My software said "test only, not for sale" each time the unit was turned on- which is the reason I called tech support. Turned out that all I had to do was update the software using my home computer. But I think my unit was one of the first that was shipped. Hopefully they'll fix that issue before the next shipment.
All in all, I LOVE this pda, phone, umpc thing- uh,.... whatever it is.

I bought a stand alone GPS unit from Amazon, and have not been able to pair it successfully with the 7501. This will require a call to tech service in the USA from Prague.

1 comment:

Mike said...

Why are you concerned about pairing an external GPS? The 7501 has one built into the hardware.